
December 6, 2020

what do I value

At the very end of Chapter 13, there is a Group Exercise that asks: What ideals would you go to war to defend? We are not […]
December 6, 2020

Digital Surveillance – Is it ethical?

Your third essay should discuss either the issue of digital surveillance as presented in weeks seven and eight, or the idea of interveillance as it relates […]
December 6, 2020

What does Husserls method of phenomenology illuminate concerning the nature of the human situation?

Needs to explain Husserl’s method before going into its value.  Avoid discussion of work outside of Philosophy (Psychology, psychiatry, Medicine, etc.) claiming knowledge of ‘phenomenology.’  At […]
December 6, 2020

Audible! We’re going to listen to a podcast this week (get it?) instead of homework in the textbook. Here the task is different. The speaker, Sam Harris, considers many outside sources. Pick one of his statistical outside sources, use the internet to find

Audible! We’re going to listen to a podcast this week (get it?) instead of homework in the textbook. Here the task is different. The speaker, Sam […]