you choose topic

    Choose a religion that is not covered in class. The religion you choose has to be an existing religion.
    Write an essay (Font size 12, double spaced) on a general introduction to that religion.
    Your essay should include the following information:
    Introduction to the religion (1 paragraph)
    Core Beliefs of the religion (1 paragraph)
    Historical background of the religion (2 paragraphs)
    Geographic distribution (1 paragraph)
    How the religion reacts/interacts with modern society (1 paragraph)

    In addition, you will choose one of the 7 religions covered in class (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and write a paragraph on how it is similar to your essays religion, and a paragraph on how it is different.
    In total, your essay should have 8 paragraphs.
    At the end of your essay, show your references (where you got your information from). This part is very important.

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