Writers Choice

    Assignment Requirements:
    1. Page one of this assignment should be a Letter to the Reader as outlined on page 194 of
    Sandra Giles article, Reflective Writing and the Revision Process. You may have to tweak
    your responses to her questions a bit. For example, when she asks How did you narrow the
    assigned topic? you might explain how you chose the particular incident you did if you are
    revising the first essay, or why you chose a particular ad or certain approach to that ad if you are
    revising your second essay. (attached)
    2. Your Letter to the Reader should begin with an MLA heading just like any other paper, but
    you do not need a title here. Just give the greeting and go with it. The letter can also be single spaced.
    3. After the letter, insert a page break, and on the new page, give another MLA header followed by
    your newly revised, polished paper. The essay needs to be double-spaced as usual. The essay can be atopic of your choice.

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