Womens Studies

    Feminist Positionality Memos (Midterm)
    Feminist Thought and Theory, Spring 2020
    150 points

    For the midterm for the course, you will write a feminist positionality paper grounding your perspective/commitments in the course literature as well as feminist readings to which you have been exposed. A few of the possible feminist positionalities covered during the first half of the course to choose from include: liberal feminism, women of color feminisms in the U.S. (black feminisms, latinx feminisms, Asian American feminisms, indigenous feminisms), radical feminism, Marxist/socialist feminism, global/transnational and postcolonial women of color feminisms, & queer feminisms.

        This paper should be 5-6 pages in length in total.
        You will choose three different feminist positionalities that youve been exposed to in the first half of the course and write 1.5-2 page memos for each.
        Memos (50 points each x three) = 150 points total
        Due March 9th by 11:59 pm.

    Each memo will be evaluated for its ability to (1) explain the theoretical origin of the chosen feminist positionality, (2) identify the key theorists for this feminist positionality and describe their contributions, (3) explain the main positive contributions offered by this positionality, and (4) detail the central critiques of it as well. Feel free to include a short description of why you chose that feminist positionality as well as how that positionality relates to other positionalities as part of your analysis but remember that each memo has a maximum length of 2 pages.


    10 points Theoretical origin of the chosen feminist positionality is thoroughly and accurately described. Critiques of the conventional origin narrative for the positionality are welcome as long as they are substantiated using course materials.

    10 points Key theorists (2-3) for the chosen feminist positionality are identified and their contributions are described in concise detail. Acknowledging both positive and negative components and impacts of these theorists is welcome.

    15 points Main positive contributions offered by this positionality are described using in-text citational support from at least one author.

    15 points Central critiques of the positionality are described using in-text citational support from at least one author.

    Please see link for class book readings


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