For each numbered word below, decide how it is functioning in the sentence by choosing its correct part of speech. Write only the abbreviation rather than the full term! Chapter Two of Syntax: A Generative Grammar discusses each of the categories and includes their abbreviations:
N– Noun
V– Verb
Adj– Adjective
Adv– Adverb
Conj– Conjunction
P– Preposition
D– Determiner
C– Complementizer
T– Tense
Neg– Negation
The propriety of introducing the University slang will be readily admitted; it is not less curious
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than that of the Old Bailey, and is less generally understood. When the number and accuracy of
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our additions are compared with the price of the volume, we have no doubt that
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its editors will meet with the encouragement that is due to learning, modesty, and virtue.
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