Week 2: Future of Unionism Discussion

    Week 2: Future of Unionism Discussion
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    Respond to the following reflection questions from the Striking a Balance text:

    The AFL, IWW, and CIO were all created out of frustration with the existing dominant form of unionism at the time. Explain.
    What does this imply about the future of U.S. unionism?
    Post an initial post to the discussion prompt by 11:59PM on Thursday of this week. Your Initial post must be at least 250 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and include at least 3 sources with appropriate citations and references. Post at least two reply posts to colleagues by 11:59 pm on Saturday of this week. Reply posts must be substantive and provide relevant discussion linked to the weekly course topics.

    Both the quality and content of your postings will be assessed based on your understanding, thinking, writing, communication, application, and documentation, using the rubric provided.  To view the grading rubric associated with this discussion, click the Options icon (3 dots) in the top right corner of the page, and select Show Rubric.

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