Visual Analysis Essay

    Knowth, Ireland
    Knowth is a Neolithic passage grave and monument located in the valley of the River Boyne in Ireland. Located in close proximity to similar sites such as Newgrange, Knowth consists of one large cruciform passage tomb and 17 smaller satellite tombs, estimated to date between 2500 and 2000 BCE. Additionally, the monument contains three recesses and basin stones into which the cremated remains of the dead were placed. The right recess is larger and more elaborately decorated than the others, a typical trait of Irish passage graves. The reason, however, remains unknown. Many monuments at Knowth were megalithic tombs, and archaeologists speculate that most have religious significance.
    Knowth is reputed to have approximately one-third of all megalithic art in Western Europe carved into its rock faces. Typical motifs include spirals, lozenges, and serpentiform markings. Much of the art was carved on the backs of stones, a phenomenon known as hidden art. There are many theories about the function of hidden art, including a desire to hide images or the recycling of stones in order to use both sides.

    Explain its cultural significance as a primary text of that culture and explain why it is important to that culture

    Begin your essay with a brilliant exciting and engaging introduction in which you lead up to the topic and engage the audience with your topic and why that topic is important.

    Arrive at an original thesis.

    For example, do not say that Buddhist art was religious. Instead, specifically, explain why the Great Stupa of Sanchi is specifically an important work of art of Buddhist culture and how the building/shrine has contributed to the veneration of that Buddhist culture.

    Here is a simple format for a five-paragraph essay with an introduction and thesis, three evidence/support and body paragraphs with specific examples supporting your case, and a concluding paragraph.:( this is a good starting point.  You may deviate from this but it should give you a solid outline).

    First paragraph with an intro, your thesis sentence, and a colorful example

    Second paragraph proof one

    Third paragraph proof two

    Four paragraph proof three

    Fifth paragraph a clever quote, suggestion or new idea that challenges the reader and the status quo.

    Source Requirements
    Use two database sources from solid/reputable journals or books on Asian art.

    Do not use encyclopedias and Wikipedia style sources.

    Articles must be signed by actual authors.

    An MLA style bibliography must be included.

    Each source must be used properly ( paraphrased and possibly quoted) at least once substantively in the essay. Do not piece together extensive quotes.

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