To what extent did Harriet Tubman influence slavery

    What should be included in my introduction?
    One paragraph only approximately 200 words
    A brief context to introduce the question.
    Set the scene / generate reader interest by establishing why this question was important at the time, and remains relevant today.
    Highlight the scope of your question what will it focus on and what dates you will be covering.
    Method Outline how the essay will be approached, and the main conclusions that will be reached.
    State the different historical perspectives that exist in relation to the question.
    Do NOT carry out any analysis here.

    What should be included in my main body?
    For structure, there should be a number of paragraphs. These could be thematically or chronologically approached. Each focus section could have a subheading, if suitable.

    Approximately 3 to 4 main paragraphs
    Each paragraph should have a specific focus, point of view or theme.
    Within each paragraph, start with a clear topic sentence which is clearly focused on the question.
    Carefully select and properly reference evidence.
    Use quotes as necessary, try NOT to use quotes longer than 10 words, or paraphrase, but ensure you footnote or reference all evidence.
    Stress the value of the evidence you use, but also acknowledge its limitations, with reference to Origin, Purpose and Content as appropriate.
    Try to show more than one perspective.

    What should be included in my conclusion?
    One paragraph only approximately 150 words.
    Provides a direct answer to the question by synthesising (combining) the main points of the essay.
    DO NOT argue against your thesis in your introduction

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