The earths internal structure


    Find informaNon on this topic uNlizing the campus library (or any other library), periodicals, magazines,
    books, or any other source. You must use a minimum of 5 resource references. Two or three may be internet
    sources, but they must have an author. Many internet informaNon sources are anonymous and can-not be used.
    All sources must be referenced at the end of your paper in a legible bibliography. Wikipedia reference can be
    used but it is not recognized in scienNfic literature so you have to use at least 5 more references.

    Write the paper. Use a standard format such as an English composiNon with an introducNon, body, and
    summary-comment secNon. Note you will be using the 4 steps of the ScienNfic Method as a basis for structuring
    the paper. It must be clear, concise, and have included in it a full descripNon/discussion of your chosen topic. The
    paper must be at least 3 pages long (not including references or Ntle page), double-spaced typed, font size no
    larger than 12, have a cover page containing name, date, course, etc., and stapled together. Handwrijen papers
    or loose pages will not be accepted. Loose pages will not be acceptedthey must be stapled together!!!!

    talk about the internal plates and why they cause earthquakes and what they are there for
    and add whatever you think may be necessary to add substance to this topic.

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