SHEL Model

    For this case analysis, please select an aviation mishap (from the past 24 months) that has been attributed to human factors. Use the SHEL model with a consideration of physiology to analyze the mishap.

    Your analysis should include the following sections:

    Summary of the case
    Problem Statement What is the problem?
    Significance of the Problem Why this is a problem?
    Alternative Actions (2) How could it have been avoided?

    Read/view all module objectives and materials.
    Research the given case topic and analyze using scholarly resources.
    Write your analysis: target 2 pages in length, double spaced. Make sure to include a reference page (Reference and title page do not count towards the length).
    Include APA citations and references (with the references listed on a separate last page).
    Include information obtained from primary or secondary sources beyond those listed in the module

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