SDGs adopted by SHK


    Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited (SHK)

    is a real estate company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. It was listed in 1972 and is now one of the largest real estate developers in Hong Kong specializing in the development of premium quality residential estates, offices, shopping malls and industrial buildings (About US, n.d.). The core business of the company is composed of property development and property investment, which is of great contributive to the group cash income (Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, 2019a). The company also developed premier residential and integrated complexes in key mainland cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.
    With the value proposition of  Building Home with Heart, SHKP prioritizes sustainable development and corporate governance. The Board of Directors is responsible for and oversees the overall direction of the companys business. And supported by the Sustainability Steering Committee, the Board directs and manages SHKPs sustainability issues (Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, 2019b). 

    SDGSustainable Development Goals adopted by SHK

    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    Access to affordable housing
    Infrastructure investments
    Sustainable transportation
    Access to public spaces
    Sustainable buildings

    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    Sustainable sourcing
    Resource efficiency of products and services
    Materials recycling
    Procurement practices
    Product and service information and labelling

    GOAL 13: Climate Action
    Building energy efficiency (buildings account for 90% of total GHG emissions from electricity generation in Hong Kong)

    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    Buildings that are resilient and adaptable to climate change

    some reference websites:
    (this article suggests Real Estate sector can adopt goals 1 end poverty, 9, 11, 13) 
    (suggests a range of goals that can be adopted by property developers)

    This is a group work, and what you need to do research and write about:

    1.Why we care about climate change
    (why we put climate change and real estate together)  
    (my part is about: water) in the context of real estate ?
    2. what are real estate companies’ adaptations to climate change, what are their Business risks & opportunities (maybe can look at SHK’s website and talk about SHK in some aspects, but can talk about the general real estate market in most of the parts), what are the Environmental impacts of their behavior, especially their ways of dealing with water aspect.

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