Scientific method for everyday life

    You are to give a detailed description and application showing how you might try to resolve an everyday problem using the scientific method. Think of a broad topic that you are interested in that you believe would make a good topic to study in the social sciences. This assignment should be at least three pages (not including cover page and reference page) that shows how you might try to resolve an everyday problem using the scientific method.
    1.A clear description of the steps used in the scientific method. (Ask a question, research existing sources, formulate a hypothesis, design and conduct a study, draw conclusions, report results.)
    2. A clear description of an everyday problem that you think you could resolve using the scientific method.
    3. A well-formulated research question that identifies the issue you are trying to resolve. The research question should be written in the form of a question.
    4.A well-formulated and testable hypothesis that makes a statement about the relationship between two or more variables.
    5.A clear description of how you would apply the scientific method to resolve your everyday problem.
    6. If you refer to information that you found from another source, be sure to include citations and a reference list in keeping with APA format (6th).

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