Research proposal assignment

    Myths Research Assignment Proposal 20%: Due October 2nd

    For the myths assignment you will be asked to explore a myth about Canada, the implications of that myth, and how folks in Canada are resisting that myth. To help you create the best possible final product you will submit a research proposal with your initial research findings and the proposed format you will use in the final product.

    Your final product does not need to be a traditional academic paper, instead, I encourage to use a format that you think works best to present your well-researched answers to the guiding questions listed below based on your skills and the myth you are exploring.

    In the proposal please include:

    A.    One- to two-sentence initial answers to the following questions (AKA your initial research results):

    a.      What is the myth? What are its historical origins?

    b.      Who does this myth affect? In what ways? Who is most invested in it continuing?

            i.    Note: many different groups of people can be affected by one myth, you can just choose one to focus on

    c.      How does this myth uphold the dominant Canadian identity or nation-state?

    d.      Who is actively resisting this myth?

    B.    One relevant example of where the myth shows up in pop culture (this can be a meme, TikTok, YouTube video, newspaper article, government speech etc.)

    C.      The format you will use to present your research in the final product (this can be a podcast, traditional paper, comic book etc.)

    D.  Four relevant sources that help you answer the following questions. Three must be peer-reviewed sources, and one non-academic (or non-peer reviewed) source. At least one of these sources must be produced by the person, community, or group you believe is affected by the myth.

    Marking Scheme: out of 20

    The Who, What, How, and (2nd) Who of the myth are identified


    Three academic sources and one non-academic source are included, including at least one (academic or non-academic) source from the group of people most affected by this myth.


    One relevant example of this myth in pop culture included.


    Format of how you will do your assignment is provided and justified (based on your skills and the myth).


    I will post a sample assignment on CULearn.

    I am happy to meet with you by appointment to discuss your proposals.

    Potential Myth Ideas (you can use these or your own):

    1.      Canada as a settled state (or uncontested state)

    2.      Canada as an always-existing state (or A-historical state)

    3.      Canadians as nice and free of racism or other forms of oppression

    4.      Canada as the Land of Opportunity for all

    5.      Canada as exclusively rural and cold

    6.      Canada as a post-colonial nation (vs. settler colonial)

    7.      Canada as a class-free state

    8.      Canada as a peaceful state

    9.      Benevolent Mountie Myth (Mackey, 2003)

    10.  Free Canadian health care

    11.  Canada has no imperial past

    12.  Canadians are universally loved by all other nations

    Potential Format Ideas (you can use these or your own)

    1.      Traditional academic paper

    2.      Podcast

    3.      Comic Book

    4.      Video

    5.      TikTok Series

    Submission status
    Attempt number    This is attempt 1.
    Submission status    No attempt
    Grading status    Not graded
    Due date    Friday, 2 October 2020, 11:59 PM
    Time remaining    Assignment is overdue by: 2 days 21 hours
    Last modified    –
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