Reflective Essay

    Please write a reflective essay based on the following questions: each question requires a paragraph 5-8 sentences. No APA/ MLA needed.

    What peer-review feedback did you choose to incorporate concerning your argument and why?

    (Peer review feedback:) This essay seems to discuss how anxiety disorders in adolescence can lead to a variety of other mental and physical disorders.  Even though the exact view point of the author as it is not clearly stated in the plan itself, from reading through the entire piece, it is clear that the goal of the essay is to provide information and evidence to support how anxiety disorders affect adolescence.

    There was not a clear opposition stated in this piece over the main topic.  I did gather a lesser counter argument on some of the supporting evidence from the annotated bibliography summaries.  The statement in one of the summaries was “The article elucidates that girls aged six years have twice as higher chances of showing signs of anxiety disorders than boys”.  Your position on the topic needs to be made more bold and should be stated throughout the essay.  One way to do that is to state your intent and then to mention how your source supports your position. 

    The source that I feel is the strongest in your bibliography is gender differences in anxiety disorders and anxiety symptoms in adolescents. Journal of abnormal psychology.  I feel that this is the strongest source as it offers specific information on studies on both males and females.  You could use this source specifically to solidify your position and support it with some good statistical information to convince your audience that the effects or risks of anxiety disorders is more severe in the female population. 

    All in all the summaries and the piece itself were very well written.  I do feel it read more like a report on anxiety disorders as opposed to a persuasive essay because you provided a lot of information on anxiety disorders but did not clearly state your topic or your position on the exact topic.  I also struggled with this when I took my first composition class and  one of the things I found to be helpful was the feedback from others that I shared my work with.  If you just make some minor adjustments to your writing plan to clearly call out the different sections of the essay, you will have a very strong and persuasive essay!  I want to again say that it is very well written with good use of evidence. 

    What challenges did you face in developing your argument? What could you have done differently?

    What peer-review feedback did you choose to incorporate concerning your exploration of the issue and why?

    What peer-review feedback did you choose to incorporate concerning your effective source integration and why?

    What writing strategies were most effective in supporting your argument, given your audience, subject, and purpose?

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