reflection of class

    Part I: Review and reflect on one of the topics below. Each category represents a public health problem in the U.S. After you select your topic, research and review one source and share two important facts along with your opinion or feelings with your classmates.

    Mental Health as a Public Health Problem
    Overweight and Obesity as Public Health Problems
    Smoking and Tobacco Use
    Veteran Health
    Distracted Driving
    Natural Disasters and Severe Weather
    Heart Disease
    Opioid Overdose
    Part II: Review and reflect on one of the topics below. Each category presents an issue related to social justice in the U.S. After you select your topic, research and review one source and share two important facts along with your opinion or feelings with your classmates.

    Clean Environment (air and water)
    Access to Healthcare
    Part III: Finally, share three takeaways you gained from KINE 2350.  For example, what would you tell a family member or friend about this class?  What were highlights for you?  What will you remember five years from now due to your participation in class activities, your experience trip, team-based learning activities, or overall?

    Things I learned: can choose 3
    Learned how to write a bibliography
    public health services: assurance, assessment, policy development
    working in a team in an online course
    interviewing a public health professional

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