Reading synthesis

    You should prepare brief written syntheses for all readings in the Weis Readings Book,Preview the document as well as for each chapter in the EQ PrimerPreview the document.  This is not a busy-work task to test whether youve read the assignments.  The act of reflecting back on what youre reading and reducing (or synthesizing) the readings to the salient points being conveyed in each reading will substantially enhance your understanding and retention of these points.  It engages you actively in the learning process and thereby maximizes your personal learning.  The syntheses will give you a memory handle on what youve read and will make the time youve spent with the readings packet and EQ Primer much more meaningful and more enduring.  These syntheses need only be a paragraph or two long, depending on the item that you are summarizing.  You should take five minutes immediately after reading each article in the packet, or chapter in the book, and quickly write down the essence, or synthesis, of the article or chapter.

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