Unit 1 Discussion 2: Mainstream Media
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Popular media sources often report on research results, but they try to present the results in very general terms so that many people can understand. Sometimes, these popular media sources end up misrepresenting research results through their simplification or because they want to create a more sensational story. View the following video discussing a popular study that has even influenced the toy market for babies (Links to an external site.).
Dr. Glenn Wilson, visiting professor of psychology at Gresham College, explains the effect of classical music – specifically Mozart – on the brain.
Studies from the 1990s claimed Mozart improved test scores, but replicated studies since then have failed.
Background: Sometimes misconceptions about scientific research come about because of how popular media sources representing research results. An initial study with provocative results may be widely publicized, while the later failed attempts to replicate may not be. Some research may be presented incompletely, or certain aspects of the study underemphasized. When you are examining scientific research, it’s a good idea to employ the LEARN approach introduced in Chapter 1, section 1.4:
Discussion Instructions: Find an example of psychological research reported in the mainstream media, or read one of the examples below. Write 2 to 3 paragraphs that include the following:
Example Articles
Scientists can read your mind (Links to an external site.)
Weight-loss surgery and teens’ mental health (Links to an external site.)
Tetris can fight cravings? (Links to an external site.)
Imagination leads to obsessive-compulsive disorder (Links to an external site.)
When responding to your classmates, consider pointing out any influences or flaws in the research they present that they may have missed.
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