Philosophy- Ethical Reasoning

    Read Chapters 2, 10, 22, and 23 in Exploring Ethics (“Morality and Moral  Philosophy”, by William Frankena; “The Nature of Moral Disagreement”,  by Charles L. Stevenson; “Famine, Affluence and Morality” by Peter  Singer; and “A Reply to Singer”, by Travis Timmerman; pages, 2-5, 71-77,  151-165 in Cahn, fifth edition) . 

    Then write a one page summary of  Singer’s article, highlighting his argument (if you can formalize it,  great, if not, don’t worry), his main points in support of his premises,  the objections he considers, and how he responds to those. Then  explain, and comment briefly, on Timmerman’s response (another full  paragraph).

    “attached all required reading”

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