one page essay due today before midnight eastern time

    Option 1: Population Health, Public Health, and Community Health Nursing

    • Describe population health and the relationship to community/public health nursing.
    • How has the development of population health been influenced throughout history?
    • Where do you see the role of nurses in the future of population health?
    • What role does Healthy People 2020 play in population health?

    Option 2: Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases

    Tuberculosis (TB) rates have increased worldwide. A local prison facility has just completed their yearly TB screening of inmates and employees. The screening program resulted in identification of 3 inmates and 2 staff members with positive Mantoux tests. In your post:

    • Discuss the associated causality, risk, and current rates of prevalence for Tuberculosis in your community.
    • Explain the linkages between epidemiology and communicable diseases
    • What placed these inmates at high risk for TB?
    • Identify which government agency must be notified immediately.
    • Discuss what would be the next nursing action for both those infected and not infected

    A peer reviewed nursing journal article must be used. All in APA

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