
    Chapter 5: Political Parties, Interest Groups, & Campaigns, then post to the discussion board as prompted
    Why has two major parties dominated American politics, and what would it take for third parties to
    become as important as the Democrats and the Republicans currently are?
    Discuss the dispersion of political party affiliation in your state. How has it changed in recent
    years? Discuss recent changes in representation either at the SG or FG level. How has local
    party played a role?
    Of the different types of interest groups explained in the text, which seem most likely to be able to
    achieve their goals, and why? Which appear to be least likely to do so, and why?
    Are there indications of bias in terms of where (geographically) parties direct their attention and
    Have there been any significant shifts in recent elections in your states? Look into 2018.

    My state is Montana

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