ML Python Project Report + Case Study

    -Read the pdf (ML Report and Case Study Guidance and Grading Scheme).
    -This is a 5000 words report that consists of two parts (sample report attached).

    Part one: ML Project on Python (3000 words)
    – Dataset is Telecom_customer_churn.csv
    – telecomChurn.ipynb is the actual code used so far (you can work on it further please feel free to add/edit the codes  etc..)
    – File “ML Project Presentation and feed back” contains the presentation that was presented to the professors and at the end has the professors feedback in the last slide.
    – Sample codes also provided in the file Sample

    Part two: Case Study on Spotify (2000 words):
    under the pdf: MarrBernardWard_2019_26_Spotify_ArtificialIntelligence

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