MGT 302 discussion question

    One area of controversy is how well you can accurately assess the personalities of employees or potential employees. One popular way is through various assessment tools, such as questionnaires.

    For your first post, address the following items:

    Identify a personality test that you have not taken yet in this course. (You can use the link provided in your textbook,, to take a personality test.)

    Take the test and then compare your findings with the PsychCentral form of an MBTI test taken in the Module 1 Case Assignment.

    What characteristics are measured in each of the two tests you took in Module 1?

    Next, identify a third personality characteristics test and discuss the differences in its areas of measurement with the new test you took for this discussion assignment.

    Also, provide the link to the test from the text or the one you found in case any of your classmates want to use it.

    For your second and third posts, compare your results with those of your classmates, and try to find a classmate with opposite traits from yours as well as one with very similar traits.

    Additional Key Elements of the Assignment: Your Initial Post should occur in a timely manner (by the third day of the module for full timeliness points). Include the original questions along with your initial, informative post. Support your post with information from at least one high-quality peer-reviewed academic reference and provide the complete source information (so that your peers can find the article if they wish). A high-quality reference is found in the Trident Online Library in academically peer-reviewed journals and text books. Utilize your own personal experiences, as applicable.

    Note: A URL (website address) is NOT a reference. A reference always contains four parts: author, publication date, article title, and the source of the article. Sometimes there is no author, but the APA manual tells you what you can put in that spot instead. The source for a high-quality peer-reviewed journal article is the journal.

    Your Subsequent Posts: Read through responses by peers and post responses to at least two classmates posts. Introduce ideas/comments and/or research not mentioned yet.

    Remember: To receive full credit in this forum, you need to post a minimum of three quality posts (your own initial post, and responses to two classmates). Only one outside source is needed (in the initial post). But in any post, if you borrow ideas/information from other authors, give them credit for their work.

    Now that you have completed the three assignments in this module, do you agree with the statement, “Yes, I can meet the three Module 1 learning outcomes”?

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