Listen a 1-hours recording to write about the takeaway


    1.) What event/activity did you attend/participate in and why did you choose it? What made you interested? 

    2.) What was the event about? (1-2 paragraph summary of main topics presented.)

    3.) Provide three takeaways you learned from the event and why you believe they are applicable to entrepreneurship / innovation?

    Grading Rubric:

    • Your name and the name of the event (No grade if missing.)
    • 400-600 word count. (20%)
    • Event description and why you were interested. (10%)
    • Summary of topics presented. (20%)
      • Clarity in writing.
      • Details indicating attendance.
    • Takeaways (50%)
      • Did you list at least three lessons / takeaways you learned from attending?
      • Did you describe each takeaway and how you think it is more broadly applicable to E&I?
      • Did you show reflection in your interpretation? Did you show that you are thinking for yourself or are you just regurgitating what the speaker said was important?

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