Human Services Ethics Paper

    Ethics Paper

    Examine a current ethical/ moral dilemma facing society today.  Review both sides of the issue, then select a position and support it with evidence/ research. There is no right or wrong answer; however, it is important to use scholarly/ professional sources to support your opinion. The paper should be at least three (3) full pages in length and conform to proper APA format (including New Times Roman and 12pt font).

    Below are some possible ethical questions to consider as paper topics; however, by no means are you limited to the following examples.  If you would like to research another ethical issue just discuss with professor before you start paper.  Please inform the professor of your selection as soon as possible.
    Does moral behavior lead to happiness?
    The Good Samaritan dilemma: Why are people reluctant to help strangers in the street?
    Nonviolent protest or Violent protest: Is nonviolent protest an effective way to bring about social change/ justice today?
    Human Cloning A Far-Fetched Idea or Just a Genetic Disaster?
    Does a womens right to choose include abortion?
    Should teenagers be allowed to consider abortion without their parents consent?
    How does one distinguish between national security and censorship?
    Do the rich deserve what they have? Should rich people be required to pay higher taxes to cover programs/ services for those less fortunate?
    Is suicide a criminal act?
    If your friend commits a crime would you report him/ her to the police?
    Adopting a Child of a Different Ethnicity: Should people be limited to only adopting children that share the same ethnicity of at least one of the parents?
    Should repeat violent offenders be incarcerated for life or executed?
    Should marijuana be totally legalized or should it be legalized for medical purposes only?
    Should prostitution be legalized?

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