How do plastic affect microplanktons?

    Each student will individually submit a research proposal that charts their path
    forward to answering an experimental marine biology question they have
    identified. Briefly, the proposal should outline the proposed experimental design, data
    to be collected, anticipated methods of data analysis, and hypothetical conclusions
    necessary to address their question. Your written report should include the following
    major components written in the style of a scientific project proposal:
    1. A solid introduction that explains what your proposal is about and what
    biological question your proposed experiment will answer. Your introduction
    should also contextualize the experiment you are proposing by providing
    necessary background information from scholarly literature on the topic of your
    proposal. It is also important to clearly articulate why the collective We should be
    interested in answering the biological question you have decided to focus upon.
    This is a great opportunity to point out other work that has been done on your
    topic (hint: use scholarly sources for this part!).
    2. An experimental design/proposal section that explains the experiment that you
    will carry out to answer your biological question. Clearly lay out, using full
    sentences, the experiment you propose to run (aka – design a robust experiment
    to answer the biological question you proposed in your introduction!). The detail
    should be sufficient enough that I could easily replicate your experiment in the
    future. Be sure that you identify a control, explore sample size and replications,
    and explain the type of data you plan to collect.
    3. A discussion section where you contextualize and explain the application of the
    results of your proposed experiment. This is another place where you need to
    clarify how your proposed experiment is novel, impactful, and vital to bettering
    our collective understanding of marine biology in some way (its ok to extrapolate
    a bit).
    If you consulted any scholarly literature to complete your written report (hint: you
    SHOULD be consulting the literature to write up your final report!), be sure to include a
    Literature Cited page with your written report (after the body of your report and before
    your appendix). Please provide full citations in CSE-format:

    3 – 5 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins
    NO header information (please do NOT include your name, the date, this class,
    etc in the header/top of your written report…if youd like to include a title, thats
    fine, but otherwise please get right into your narrative!).
    Your paper should be clearly organized using paragraphs and have a clear
    introduction, body of experimental proposal, and conclusion with smooth
    transitions between sections
    A literature cited section on a separate page (the last page of your report)
    Properly-formatted CSE-style in-line and bibliographic citatio

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