Hiring Process

    Imagine that you have taken on a position as the Executive Administrative Specialist for Human Resources. One of your first tasks is to coordinate the selection process for teacher candidates at one of the Districts new schools opening in 2020-2021. The Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, your manager, has shared that the process is divided into three key phases: resume/application review, phone interview screen, and in-person panel interviews. He also shared with you that this process is being conducted jointly between DPSCD and a local university and the selection committee consists of senior leaders from both organizations, which means all materials, updates and scheduling must be coordinated across both teams.
    The application window closes in two weeks, and the selection process will need to occur over the course of the four weeks following the close of applications.


    1. Generate a draft plan with all the tasks and items that will need to be coordinated in order to conduct the three phases of selection. For each task, include a specific deadline and notes with any information you will need in order for the team to complete the task.

    2. Draft an email to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, imagining that you are attaching your draft plan to it. In your email, explain any assumptions you made when creating your plan, ask any outstanding questions you have that would help you improve your plan, and request any support you will need from the Assistant Superintendent or other members of the Human Resources team to coordinate the work.

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