film essay

    Requirement: watch the movie Rififi and write 1500 words essay


    Prompt: What is it that makes a classic a classic? Think about the requisites that the npr article talks about, and maybe some things outside of those requisites. Does this film deserve its place as a classic? What is this film’s cultural impact, why do we continue to give it our time? Why is it important to watch? Outside of this status as a classic is it a good movie? Why or why not? 


    (consider: Your assignment is to write your own film review. This unit, we will be looking at 3 heist films. Heist films are a long-established film genre, and I’ve tried to give you a wide sampling here. So that is something to consider: how does this film meet or defy the expectations/tropes of a heist film? That is something that a potential movie-goer might want to know. But also think about context. What is the context under which the film was made? And what is the context under which we are watching this film today? 


    A good review is balanced, it will give just enough summary, just enough description, without giving too much away. Ultimately, remember that your goal is somewhat commercial as well, you are trying to convince your audience of why or why not they should give this film their time and money without explicitly saying so. )


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