Explain the call to de-Westernise academic knowledge production of media. Illustrate with an example (or examples) from Asia to explain why such a call is necessary. 2. What are the limits to explaining the Korean Wave based on the concept of cultur

    1.Explain the call to de-Westernise
    academic knowledge production of media.
    Illustrate with an example (or examples)
    from Asia to explain why such a call is
    2. What are the limits to explaining the
    Korean Wave based on the concept of
    cultural proximity? What concept(s) should
    enhance or replace it?
    3. What are the pros and cons of
    implementing a British-style ‘Creative
    Industries’ policy within countries in Asia? Is
    this an appropriate way to nurture and
    sustain creativity there?

    Answer two out of three of the question above, 500 words for each 🙂

    Please use majority of the course material (readings that I upload)

    1,2,3 –> Week 1’s material: De-Westernization
    4,5,6,7,8,9 –> Week 2’s topic: Asian Media Cultures: Regionality,Transnationalism and De- Westernisation
    10,11,12 –> Week 3’s topic: cultural and creative industry  in a networked world

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