
    1. Review and rewrite the following to ensure 400 words. Make sure its catchy so that readers will want to read the book

    2. Write a shorted summary of synopsis for the original about 150 words.

    Aldith Belfon Baptiste was born in the Spice Isle, trained as Registered Nurse Midwife, and worked there for nine years before accepting an opportunity to migrate to New York; it was a chance of a lifetime for professional growth and for a better life making plenty money.
    Join Aldith’s journey in a story from sweet spice Isle to a quest for happiness and career growth. A life of rebellion, being unequally yoke in marriage with David Godwin Baptiste
    Aldith Belfon Baptiste shares the revelation which filled the book with mixed emotions: sadness, hurt, anger, bitterness, resentment, and perhaps, worst of all, a life that begins to fade away to the verge of suicide
    She shares with us the turning point that changed her life and reveals the healing process that brought forgiveness beyond what she can ever imagine. and end in joy with forgiveness and reconciliation
    In this touching testimony, you will find hope for anyone who is in a bad relationship, marriage on the brink of divorce. It is a glorious story of how God can bring life through forgiveness and reconciliation.
    Aldith Belfon Baptiste lessons for many couples is shared through:
    Her personal testimony of betrayal, depression, and redemption
    The reasons she chose to forgive and reconcile with her husband
    What the Bible says about marriage, love, forgiveness, and grace
    How to forgive your spouse
    How reconciliation reveals God’s glory
    How to heal from broken marriage/separation
    Aldith’s testimony of a broken marriage, separation, and forgiveness, brings hope and optimism to those struggling through a difficult marriage. Her statement illustrates how God works miracles when couples commit to loving one another in a Biblical, Christ-centered relationship.

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