DuBois’ 1903 prophecy about the “color-line” in America

    Discuss Du Bois 1903 prophecy about the color-line in America = was he correct? By 1920, like many Black activist who were horrified and dispirited by the Chicago race riots of 1919 and the Tulsa Massacre of 1920, Du Bois penned a scathing essay The Souls of White Folk (see excerpt) was the essay another warning (although implied)? Du Bois was one of the first sociologists to recognize that race was socially constructed and that there did not exist racially biological traits as white sociologists (Park and Odin) believed. Discuss what we now acknowledge as white privilege as a false racial advantage for working-class whites as pointed out by Du Bois in 1920. Was his assessment of 1920 still true in 2020? Explain.

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