DR Dis 4


    Search “scholar.google.com” or your textbook. Discuss the technical skills required to have a CSIRT response team consisting of employees with other job duties (i.e., not a full-time CSIRT job category)? Why or why not? What factors will influence their decision? 




    1. Using a Web browser, identify at least five sources you would want to use when training a CSIRT.
    2. Using a Web browser, visit www.mitre.org. What information is provided there, and how would it be useful?
    3. Using a Web browser, visit www.securityfocus.com. What is Bugtraq, and how would it be useful? What additional information is provided under the Vulnerabilities tab?
    4. Using a Web browser, visit www.cert.org. What information is provided there, and how would it be useful? What additional information is provided at www.cert.org/csirts/? 

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