Discuss possible reasons to randomly sample records from a SQL table.

    1. Show that EWMA smoothing is equivalent to an ARIMA{O, 1,1) model with no constant, as described in Chapter 8, “Advanced Analytica l Theory and Methods: Time Series Analysis.”


    2. Develop and test a user-defined aggregate to calculate n factorial {n!), where n is an integer.


    3. From a SQL table or query, randomly select 10% of the rows. Hint: Most SQL implementations have a random() function that provides a uniform random number between 0 and 1. 


    4. Discuss possible reasons to randomly sample records from a SQL table.


    5. Describe four common deliverables for an analytics project.


    6. What is the focus of a presentation for a project sponsor?


    7. Give examples of appropriate charts to create in a presentation for other data analysts and data scientists as part of a final presentation. Explain why the charts are appropriate to show each audience.


    8. Explain what types of graphs would be appropriate to show data changing over time and why.


    9. As part of operationalizing an analytics project, which deliverable would you expect to provide to a Business Intelligence analyst?

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