Design a database in MS-Access(Time line Plan)

    PART I Design a database in MS-Access(Time line Plan) Ex) schedule, HR Time line
    1. Describe your business environment and why you need a database.
    2. Draw your business E-R Model.
    3. Create a MS-Access database that reflects to your business needs with:
    a. Entities Relationship [Database Tools > Relationships]
    b. At least 4 tables
    c. At least 3 queries
    d. At least 3 forms
    e. At least 3 reports
    f. Main Screen Menu that loaded on the start-up
    Open Form button
    Open Report button
    Open Searchable Form/Report button Quit button
    4. Compact your MS-Access database
    a. [Database Tools > Compact and Repair Database]

    PART II- Time line Plan Description (PPT or Word)
    a. Brief introduction about your business environment and why you need a database for your business
    b. Show the content of your database as well as the interaction forms/reports
    c. What is the most difficult for this project? 2. Timeline plan
    a. Start / End of the project.
    b. Explain each phase described on your timeline plan.

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