Critical Analysis

    Provide a thorough summary of the theory and/or research presented in the material. You should also critically evaluate the soundness of the theory/research.

    ELEMENTS: This paper will have the following elements:

    a. Introduction: Describe the topic covered in the paper in general terms. What is the domain covered and what is the basic orientation/approach of the author(s)? (15% of grade)

    b. Review: Provide a review of the theory/results presented in the essay/article. Provide a page or two summary of the main points/findings presented by the author(s). (30% of grade)

    c. Critical analysis: Evaluate the material by contrasting the information/theory presented with that of another approach to personality. For example, a biological approach paper could be contrasted with psychodynamic theory. A research article on cultural influences could be contrasted with/compared to the emphasis from a social learning theory approach. Use material from the book or other sources as needed. Do not forget to cite your source materials in the reference section. (40% of grade)

    d. Complete write up in APA formatting. (15% of grade)

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