Create a blog post addressing Internet use and security.

    For this Assignment, you will create a blog post addressing Internet use and security.

    To complete this Assignment:

    Use the search engine of your choice, search for free blog tool.
    Select the tool that you feel is most appropriate for the task.
    Sign up for a free account. (Note: if you already have a blog account, you may use that.)
    Choose an appropriate background or theme.
    Give your blog an appropriate name.
    Create a post that contains a short paragraph on each of the following topics:

    Brief history of the Internet and security issues.
    Methods of communication
    Social networking
    Wikis and blogs
    Podcasts and webcasts
    Streaming media
    E-commerce and m-commerce
    Include a relevant image in each of your blog posts. Make sure that the pictures are free to use and share. (Hint: Use Google Advanced Image Search. Under License, choose Free to use and share.)
    Provide a direct link for each image you use.

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