Course reflections

    Course reflections

    Purpose of this assessment task:

    This activity sees you spend some time reflecting on what you have learned from the course that matters to you personally and professionally, clarify these thoughts, and write about them in a way that can help you reinforce these things in your own mind.

      Question to answer

    Answer this question and submit your answer as set out in the instructions for this assessment task:

    This question has two parts: answer both parts:

    Identify 1 or 2 key things* that you learnt from the course that are important to you and discuss:

    (a) Why they are important to you personally. Consider for example:

    How these things may have impacted on you by way of your own personal growth and development.
    How they may have challenged, influenced, changed or reinforced your thinking.
    Why they are important in terms of what you value in life, what impact you want to have on others, what sort of world you want to leave for those to follow, what’s important to you in how society treats others (whether human or non-human) and so on.
    (b) Why they are important to you professionally. Consider for example:

    How these things may have impacted on how you see the role of business in society and any duties and responsibilities business might have.
    How these things might impact on your own actions and decisions in your professional life and, specifically, in your chosen career path.
    Why they are important in the business context in terms of what you value, what impact you want to have on others, what sort of world you want to leave for those to follow, what’s important to you in how business treats others (whether human or non-human) and so on.
    * Note: you are free to focus on only one key point and will not be marked down in doing so, as long as your discussion adequately covers the points below. Marks are awarded based on the quality of your answer, not on the number of key things you choose to cover.

    I want Course reflection on only one topic. the topic in four parts. 550 words no reference needed. follow the question instructions and marking guide when answering. thanks

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