Conduct a health needs assessment on a defined population – this definition can be geographical, cultural, generational or any other clearly defining demographic – and identify their key health needs and priorities. Following this needs assessment, identi

    An introduction to the
    assignment that establishes the
    importance of health needs
    assessment. Relevant
    information should aim to
    provide an overview regarding
    the relationship between health
    needs assessment and public
    health action.

    Definition of the population
    under investigation, profiling of
    the population and identification
    of key health needs and priorities
    using an appropriate health
    needs assessment method.

    Identification of a particular
    health priority for action and
    critical discussion of evidencebased interventions that could be
    used to direct public health
    actions aiming to address the
    particular health priority.

    Effective summary of key

    Presentation and
    High quality presentation that
    conforms to principles of
    academic writing and contains
    minimal errors in sentence
    construction, grammar and
    punctuation. The assignment
    followed appropriate academic
    conventions regarding in-text
    citations and referencing.

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