Challenges facing IoT

    The topic is Challenging facing IoT (Internet of Things)
    Paper should be minimum 14 pages of text, including title, summary, references, and table of contents. Keep in mind: Length is not a factor in evaluating case studies. There are excellent shorter case studies and boring long ones. Please make sure that spelling and grammar are checked. Extensive mistakes will results in a lower grade. Font size should be 12 points on double spacing. Make use of visualizations, graphics and figures. Please cite all references. Again: please cite all references. If in doubt, ask the instructor in advance. Use APA style in writing your report.
    As a minimum, your paper should answer the following questions:
    1. Why did you choose this topic?
    2. What business/industry used this technology?
    3. What service/product offerings using this technology if any?
    4. What are the critical factors for success of this technology?
    5. What are upcoming threats and opportunities for this technology?
    6. Compare it to other similar technologies?
    7. Looking into the future, what do you see for this technology?

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