Websites, web programming

August 24, 2020

Web Design Assignment 1

Use only HTML/CSS. Attached below are the resources needed. Code accordingly. Take note:– Google fonts to be used: Literata (Regular, Medium, Bold) and its pairing Roboto […]
August 24, 2020

Web Design Assignment 1

Use only HTML/CSS. Attached are the resources needed, based on the mock-up example given, fully code and style accordingly. Take note:– Google Fonts to be used: […]
August 20, 2020


Programming Assignment 3 Instructions This week you are going to take your youth camp program further and utilize subs and functions.  The user will enter the […]
August 20, 2020

ENTD261 Week 8 Assignment

Assignment Instructions Create a PowerPoint presentation with following  (Save as w8_firstname_lastname.PPTX). We did not cover PowerShell in this course; you are tasked to use PowerShell as […]