Websites, web programming

July 8, 2020

Web scrapping and modification

The PHP page provided generates the board and places tiles. There is also a selectable link called ‘Action 4:’, this button places shrimp on the board. […]
July 7, 2020

Website Build (Template Starting Point Provided)

Create two more pages (a faux shop and a faux cart) for the website provided. You have been given a .psd wireframe with three artboards. Each […]
July 6, 2020

HTML Bootstrap 4 partial assignment

I’ve included the spec pdf for this.  I’ve completed half of the assignment but need help with the second half.  This work will be exclusively working […]
July 5, 2020

Simple Java Program (4/6 tasks already completed)

Deliverables:,,,,badwords.txt There are a total of 6 tasks….4 are completed. You only need to do the last two (Tasks 5 and 6). […]