Database design and optimisation

July 7, 2020

SQL Workbench Work

In this assignment, we will create a view in finhistdb to pick S&P 100 tickers. S&P100 is an index of ticker symbols that comprise the index.  […]
February 29, 2020

team project

The project charter is already done, just uploaded it so you know how it started off as. The presentation slides from slide 37 to 40 are […]
February 22, 2020

Assignment 1

Create a table with two columns. Name the table First Initial _ Last Name (e.g. John Dowwill create table j_dow). You have to audit all DML […]
February 13, 2020

Designinga Relational Database

Step 1. Understand the specification of the problemRead the following paragraph carefully. Multiple times, if necessary. Then follow the process we learned in Lab 2 to […]