Computer science and IT assignments

January 29, 2020

RUBy Reinforcement assignment

answer Chapter 2-1 questions  1-5 on page 74be sure to add comments to show where you answered question on the document There might be some error […]
January 27, 2020


Download and unzip IA02.zipModify the code so that FederalExpress and UnitedParcelService implement the IShipper interfaceThat may involve some renaming of methods in the implementing classesBut do […]
January 26, 2020

Programming in Java – Assignment: Developing a Java Program

Create a Java project in IDE and begin the Project Program by developing a Java Method to print the programming specifications for the project.Expand the Project […]
January 26, 2020

Add, remove, list friends

C program that can be able to add a friend ship, remove a friendship, and print out the friend(s) for a particular user. You can assume […]