Computer science and IT assignments

February 4, 2020

Perimeter of rectangle

Make an algorithmGiven a set of points in plane, determine a rectangle with the smallest possible perimeter which contains all the points. The rectangle is not […]
February 4, 2020

Postfix Calculator

Postfix is an expression in which the operands are placed before their operators. There are no precedence rules, no parentheses needed. For example, 11 9 – […]
February 4, 2020

Heat map in Java

Please go through the pdf file named “Question” in detail. It contains the instructions on how to use the other two zipped files. Assignment is on […]
February 4, 2020

L03B: Assignment – Interfaces and Arrays

Assignment ObjectivesPractice on implementing interfaces in JavaFootballPlayerData will implement the interface TableDataOverriding methodswhen FootballPlayerData implements TableData,FootballPlayerData will have to write the real Java code for all […]