Computer science and IT assignments

February 19, 2020

Debt to income calculator Python Project

Project – Debt to Income Calculator Program Python in Spyder IDEProject Guidelines    At the minimum, your code should include a least one of each of the […]
February 19, 2020

Triangle Shading Graphic

Using CMake:1. create a subdirectory (under HW3) named Debug: mkdir Debug2. enter the subdir: cd Debug3. and generate the makefiles: cmake .. (mind the ..)To generating […]
February 19, 2020


This program is complicated for me but a professional should be able to figure it out  in a couple hours. It is a python program that […]
February 19, 2020

Matlab assignment

I have data and I would like to create a model that can predict the output. I am using autoregressive moving average (ARMA) but I am […]