Computer science and IT assignments

July 7, 2020

Java Homework

Complete the following Java problems. Write the solutions at the bottom of each problem, take as much space as you need. If that does not suit […]
July 7, 2020

Typing Speed program

Create a C++ program that logs the person’s typing speed from user input and shows it to them.  The program must include all of the following […]
July 7, 2020

C++ class STL Queue

Design a class, ShoppingBasket.  Each ShoppingBasket contains a count of the number of items in each of three categories, produce, meats, others.  You will populate the […]
July 7, 2020

1 program

Question Set 1 (10 part class modification):1. Simple Linked List ClassUsing an appropriate definition of ListNode, design a simple linked list class with onlytwo member functions […]