Computer science and IT assignments

July 14, 2020

C# Project

Project :Your project must: Have Graphical user interface. Demonstrate your understanding of classs, objects and other C# features. Topics (LOs):1. Implement software designs in an object-oriented […]
July 14, 2020

Banking system

Multiple Credit Card Management Application (MCCMA) is an application system that is madewith the intent to help multiple credit card owners manage and keep track of […]
July 14, 2020


Only the value of the card counts (7 <8 <9 <10 <Jack <Queen <King <Ace), the color (clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds) is not relevant. The deck […]
July 14, 2020

High Level Assembly (HLA)

PROGRAM 10: Angle ConversionBelieved to have originated in France, a gradian is a unit of measure of an angle that is equivalent to 1/400th of a […]