Religion / Theology

August 30, 2020

Please pick and write on ONE of the following four topics: 1.Given your understanding of Jesus ministry and themes of preaching, what are the main points of the Beatitudes (Chinese translation: ) in Matthew 5:1-12. Also compare it with the shorter ver

Please pick and write on ONE of the following four topics:requirements: use at least 10 resources, APA style, no cheating. 1. Given your understanding of Jesus […]
August 30, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a manifesto (opinion piece paper) about a topic of interest concerning the relationship between science and religion. The manifesto may deal with questions, such as […]
August 27, 2020

World religion

It is common to hear that “eastern” and “western” religions are very different in character. Do you agree? For your final essay you should assess this […]
August 27, 2020

Biblical Discipleship

All assignments must be at least 5 pages (BOdy needed only for 5 pages)NOT including the cover page and table of contents, and must be in […]