Religion / Theology

October 26, 2020

Image of Islam and Muslims in the West.

It is 10-15 pages; double spaced, typed on the computer, font 12 2-    The paper also has to be argumentative/ debates/analysis 3-    The paper should include […]
October 25, 2020

Saint Francis of Assisi Synthesis Essay

Show how Francis lived Gospel values in his time and culture. How did he show respect for thedignity of each person, work for peace and justice, […]
October 25, 2020

The tight Religion

Describe the right religion according to you. Where do most go wrong? Is God real?Fo no harm, is it the best way to go?Was religion a […]
October 25, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I. Powerpoint/slideshow assignment: Prepare an 8-12 slide summary presentation oftwo of the optional articles. These are the articles available on the website for eachweek that were […]