Religion / Theology

December 6, 2020

Biblical Leadership Development Plan

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW There is an old saying, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.  That is so true for every […]
December 6, 2020

GLST 220 – Journal Entry 4

Journal 4 (Module/ Week 8)  *** (also I’m sending back the other Journey to you, so you can look over them) Your journal entry should be […]
December 6, 2020

Favorite World Religion

This needs to be a power point. You will need to include the following in your presentation: A brief Introduction of your favorite religion and the […]
December 6, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

These responses are very open-ended and I dont have strict guidelines for how I want you tostructure them. Basically, I want you to engage with the […]