Religion / Theology

February 18, 2020

Study of the prophet Amos

Topic : study of the Prophet Amos Required items of the paper: 1.The life of the Prophet Amos: life setting, place of ministry, and biographical information […]
February 17, 2020

Week Three Devotion

Reflection: What images or phrases stand out to you in this passage?What do you see of interest in the structure of this psalm? What is the […]
February 17, 2020

Week Two Confession

In the mode of Augustines Confessions, write an approximately 250-word prayer of confession honestly acknowledging the way this weeks learning has shaped and formed your understanding […]
February 17, 2020

Week Two Engineering Essay

In a 500-word essay demonstrating a robust comprehension of course content and an ability to engage that content, respond to the following prompt: Describe the relationship […]